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The founders of the United States of America fought against the tyranny of Great Britain resulting in the adoption of the Declaration of Independence(4) in 1776 establishing a free and independent county; emphasizing the “sacred” and “unalienable rights” of individuals. The principles that evolved are contained in the United States Constitution and are the core of the nation’s laws. These principles have survived for over 235 years and remain the stalwart of the country.


The founders focused on individuals being independent and responsible for their own wellbeing. Laws promulgated by their elected representatives would guarantee their freedom. To limit the power that the government of elected representatives could generate, checks and balances were instituted in the form of amendments contained in the Bill of Rights. They were established periodically which extended through the American Revolution. This was done to assure a self-governing republic in which citizens would no longer be ruled by despotic bureaucrats. These conservative viewpoints have advanced the growth of America over the many decades.


There are those who believe in a constitution that is a living document which could be altered to fit current living conditions. They are the so called “democratic progressives”. They believe that the Supreme Court should sit in judgement and issue decrees as the country changes its beliefs. Also, that the Court should accept decrees from administrative bureaucrats, as the Environmental Protection Administration, to punish infractions. The originalists viewed these actions as anti-self-government usurping individual freedom.


The intent of this treatise is to allow the reader to assess his or her position on important political issues contained herein. The issues are presented with opposing opinions of the so-called “conservatives” and “progressives”. The topics that have been compiled herein represent issues addressed in today’s society. The premise of each is to principally ask “Where Do You Stand?”. The topics are short and intended to present viewpoints which can be used to share with your family, friends and acquaintances. If disagreement with your viewpoint on any issue arises, it is called freedom of speech; an individual entitlement.


Each topic presented herein was prepared in a brief, simplified format with references to enable opposing viewpoints to be easily reviewed. Consider each issue and digest it accordingly. Don’t accept the enclosed text as gospel, seek the truth. Do your own research if you need to clarify an issue or need more facts. Take the time to investigate them before you establish a position.


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