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The Star-Spangled Banner

The flag of the United States of America(54) or “The American Flag” was adopted on June 14, 1777 in the 13-star version. Since then, there were many versions with the current 50-star version adopted on July 4, 1960. Our nation’s flag has also been referred to as The Star-Spangled Banner, The Stars and Stripes, Old Glory and The Red White and Blue. The flag is the nation’s most widely recognized symbol and has become a powerful symbol of Americanism. Under the first amendment of the Constitution the flag remains protected as free speech.


Conservatives: With respect and adoration conservatives stand and strongly proclaim “I Pledge Allegiance to the Flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one Nation under God, indivisible with liberty and justice for all”.


  • The pledge to the flag has been the stalwart of conservatives since its inception and to this day is revered by holding one’s hand over the heart during the pledge; symbolizing love of country.


  • The flag symbolizes the patriotic ideals of a nation “conceived in liberty” and admired around the world. It is proudly displayed from dawn’s early light to twilight’s last gleaming; our symbol of nationalism. In reverence the flag should never be allowed to touch the ground and if flown at night, should be illuminated.


  • The flag is flown proudly and participates is numerous civic events commemorating the freedom and liberty all citizens endure. Although not enforceable by a Supreme Court ruling, a Flag Code was passed in 1968 to protect the flag from improper use and desecration.


Progressives: To the progressives, the flag has little significance and is not revered. They may offer some allegiance when required to in the face of the general public, but in the company those of the same viewpoints show their disrespect.


  • Many dishonor the flag by not standing during the recital of the Pledge of Allegiance or when the Star-Spangled Banner is sung at major events. It is customary to display disloyalty by “taking a knee” or displaying a “clenched fist”.


  • Many actions to remove the display of the flag have been taken to demonstrate the disapproval of the flag. In its place are other flags or mementos which depict other viewpoints such as the LGBTQ flag.


  • Although not against the law, burning the flag is a common mode of displaying resentment of the country. The law does state that the burning of the flag is a form of public legal protest against the country.


Commentary: Show your support for America by proudly flying the flag.


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